Explore our Gallery
An Unforgettable Space
View the Process
Request an appointment
Submit an application for an art viewing appointment. We only accept a limited number of appointments per month.
We'll curate your selection
Once your appointment has been approved, you will choose a few artworks you want to view and give us the dimensions of the pieces you're looking for. We will then create your custom selection of art pieces to be shown on your appointment day.
Join us for you private shopping experience.
Your exclusive art viewing will last up to 2 hours. At the time of your appointment you will come in, be served refreshments, and shown your custom selection of artworks. You will also get the opportunity to explore the rest of our selection.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How do I schedule an art viewing?
A: Fill out an appointment request form. From there, we will get in touch to confirm your appointment and begin the process of curating a personalized selection for your private viewing session.
Q: What should I do if I need to cancel or reschedule my appointment?
A: If you need to cancel your appointment, please let us know 24 hours in advance and we will reschedule your appointment for a later date.
Q: Where is Austin Galleries?
A: Austin Galleries is located in Northwest Hills in Austin, Texas. We operate out of a beautiful private residence with our main offices and gallery located in the guest house.
Q: What if I don't know what kind of art I like?
A: With over 1000 artworks in our catalog, we have a wide variety of styles for any taste. Browse our online collections and find a couple pieces you like. From there, we'll source more artworks that fit a similar style.

Request an Exclusive Art Viewing Appointment